Last Order date for Christmas: 19th December ( orders placed after this wont ship until 3rd Jan )

Last Order date for Christmas: 19th December ( orders placed after this wont ship until 3rd Jan )



A Simple Guide to Macronutrients

  • 5 min read

Macronutrients are the nutrients that the body requires in larger amounts to function every day. These include carbohydrates, protein and fat. Fibre is also often categorised as an additional macronutrient. Although correctly speaking, it is a form of carbohydrate and can still be included. Collectively these work to provide us with energy and fulfil a number of specific roles.



Fats play a pivotal role in providing our body with the nutrients it needs by supporting the absorption of micronutrients and promoting hormone production, cell structure, and functionality. Healthy fats provide the body with a form of slow-release energy, helping to keep us fuelled for longer and performing at our best. The role that fat plays in nutrition is often misunderstood. While often perceived as ‘unhealthy’ and something to be avoided, fats are beneficial and required for optimal body functionality. Interestingly, there are essential of fatty acids that our body cannot produce, so these must be consumed through our diet.

Types of Fat:

When incorporating fat into your diet, it is best to prioritise mono-saturated and polyunsaturated fats, consume saturated fats second to this, and avoid trans fats. Great sources of unsaturated fat include olive oil, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, nuts, soy, peanuts, avocado and oily fish.

Key Benefits of Fat:

  • Supports Hormone production, cell structure and functionality
  • Form of slow release energy, aiding satiety
  • Supports nutrient absorption



Carbohydrates provide our bodies with glucose, the fuel to power our brain, red blood cells, and exercise. They support energy levels, mental and cognitive function, and overall health. They also provide valuable sources of micronutrients that help carry out essential functions in the body. Benefits of Carbohydrates:

Key Benefits of Carbohydrates:

  • Provide dietary fibre
  • Help carry out essential functions in the body
  • Support energy levels, mental and cognitive function



High quality protein helps to keep us full for longer and supports physical performance. Not all protein sources are considered equal, and are often discussed as ‘complete’ or ‘incomplete.’

Types of proteins: Complete and Incomplete

Protein sources that include the nine essential amino acids our body requires are considered ‘complete.’ With these nine essential amino acids, our body has the necessary fuel to promote lean muscle mass, energy, and health. These nine essential amino acids include:

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

Proteins derived from animal foods are typically considered high quality and complete with- meat, fish, poultry, milk, and eggs providing all essential amino acids. Plant foods can also be complete protein sources- soy, quinoa and chickpeas all provide the nine essential amino acids. The final thing to consider with protein is quality, and this relates to quantity. Our bodies ability to digest different protein sources varies, and subsequently, proteins have different bioavailability. Typically speaking, plant proteins have a lower digestibility than animal proteins. Therefore, even if you consume various plant proteins to obtain your essential amino acids, you may have reduced overall protein absorption and an increased protein requirement. DIAAS (Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score) is a system that describes the quality of protein. A DIAAS of at least 1 represents a high-quality protein that provides all essential amino acids and has optimal digestibility. To make protein easy, we have ensured we have excellent quality protein in all Radix meals, including our plant-based range that utilises a plant protein blend with DIAAS of 1.

Key Benefits of Protein:

  • Promote lean muscle mass, energy, and health.
  • Overall wellbeing and functionality
  • Satiety and weight management


What are Macro Splits?

‘Macro splits’ are commonly discussed when talking about nutrition. But what does this mean? Simply put, this term refers to the percentage of calories provided by each macronutrient.

When discussing calories and their contribution to each macro group it is worth knowing that carbohydrates and protein contain 4kcal/g and fat contains 9kcal/g. Fibre can depend on how effectively it is digested, but varies within the range of 0 and 4kcal/g.

How these macronutrients are split will depend on your personal goals and energy requirements. Factors like weight, age, activity level and sex often play a part in determining this.

At Radix we’ve taken care to develop three different ranges to suit a variety of different health and performance goals.


Original Range Macro Split


Those looking to prioritise their everyday health, assist athletic performance and boost mental clarity might opt for a relatively balanced macro split. This approach helps the body function optimally by supporting effective energy production, mental focus, and recovery during the day.


The Radix Original Range is designed to deliver a balance of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats for everyday health and stable energy throughout the day. This meal range has a macro split of P18:F42:C36, where 18% of the energy is from protein, 42% from fat, and carbohydrates contributing 36% of the energy obtained.


With a moderate protein level, we support satiety, lean muscle mass, and the provision of essential amino acids. Medium fat levels enable the provision and absorption of essential nutrients our body needs for health, slows down digestion and provides a source of slow-release energy, but leaves enough room for valuable carbohydrates. A moderate level of carbohydrates provides our body with our primary fuel source, nutrients required to support gut health, and the type of energy for athletic performance.


Keto Range Macro Split


Individuals looking for strategies to aid weight management and general satiety often choose to prioritise higher levels of healthy fats in their macro splits whilst opting to reduce their carbohydrate intake. Low carbohydrates help support the body's ketone production and promote the energy required to thrive physically and mentally.


Integrating a macro split that prioritises healthy fats helps sustain energy levels over time and stabilises energy levels throughout the day with the production of ketone bodies. Ketones provide an alternative energy source to glucose and also have suggested health-promoting effects in the body. Low carbohydrates and moderate protein enable enough of these macronutrients to provide essential nutrients required for recovery, gut health, and optimal cellular function, yet allowing high fat intake.


The Radix Keto Range has been developed with these priorities in mind. With 16% of calories derived from protein, 67% from fat and 9% from carbohydrates- the macro split P16:F67:C9 places high emphasis on obtaining energy from healthy fat sources.…


Ultra Range Macro Split


Those looking for sustained and stable energy might value a macro split prioritising both fat and carbohydrates. This approach provides a greater energy supply per gram of food and allows us to consume more calories in a smaller portion of food without feeling heavy or full. This type of energy provision is suited to when we need to perform for long durations, have ultra-energy demands, or have minimal opportunity to refuel.


The Ultra range boasts a macro split of P14:F60:C24. With 60% of the energy obtained from healthy fats and 24% of the energy provided from carbohydrates, this range supplies high amounts of slow-release energy and sufficient micronutrients for optimal health and metabolism. The 14% of energy from protein stimulates rapid recovery and muscle health.